Hybrid Photography: Unleash Your Inner Artist! (Guide)

What Is Hybrid Photography? (And Hybrid Shooter Meaning)

Photography is wonderful. It allows you to freeze moments that will forever be preserved in digital format or in print. It gives you the chance to look back on memories that would have been long gone and forgotten if there were no visual representations of them.

Aside from stills, there’s still an equally good way to keep your best moments unforgettable – VIDEOS. Yes, rather than just snapping a still photo, there are certain things that are better recorded and captured in motion.

But, have you ever thought of combining both? For most, hybrid photography can be described as the use of both stills, videos, and audio to create visual art. Through this, you are harnessing the power of both media to create a more enticing piece.

In this post, I will share with you:

  • what is hybrid photography & what is a hybrid shooter (meaning)
  • how to make use of hybrid techniques
  • some advantages of this style of shooting

Below is a quick roundup of my top 5 cameras for hybrid shooters worth considering in 2021:



Reasons to Get It

1. Canon M50

Best compact for content creators

  • very easy to use interface

  • Dual Pixel & eye detect AF

  • 4K video shooting

  • variangle touchscreen LCD

2. Fuji X-T20

90% of flagship

X-T2 for half price

  • "all in one" hybrid camera

  • top photo & video features

  • classic film presets

  • best hybrid under $1000

3. Sony a6500

Its IBIS is a total game changer!

  • integrated 5-axis stabilizer

  • 11 fps continuous shooting

  • FX camera level quality

  • great video performance

4. Sony a7R III

If you're nerdy for all new features

  • eye-detect AF is awesome

  • high burst rate of 10 fps

  • great for variety of genres

  • high quality photo & video

5. Nikon D850

High end DSLR for 'old school' folks

  • high resolution of 45.4MP

  • record 4K at 30 fps

  • burst rate of 7 fps

  • fast & tenacious focusing

Without further ado, let’s get started!

What Is Hybrid Photography? Hybrid Shooter Meaning

The truth is that there isn’t really a fixed definition for this.

If you’ve read quite a lot about this topic, you’ll know that photographers have different takes on this. And since there are no right and wrong definitions, and this is more of a personal preference, I’ll share with you the two most common explanations about hybrid shooting.

  • A blend of videos, stills, and audio into one digital art.

This is, by far, the most accepted hybrid photography definition. It simply means that instead of traditional shooting, you can now combine photos, motion, and sound into one single media. It’s a great leap from the usual practice of snapping pictures and doing prints, and it is considered the future of photography. 

  • The use of both digital and film cameras when shooting.

This is another definition by some hybrid photographers.

They say it’s simply using the traditional film cameras, and the more modern digital ones altogether. It is basically switching up between the two gears, whenever your feel like it, and whenever you need to. 

So, you see? These are two very different schools of thought.

But in the end, what matters is your personal take on this. If for you a hybrid shooter means combining videos, audios, and images, then that’s totally okay. If it’s the other one, it’s still acceptable. After all, both definitions make sense in their own respects.

What Is It Used For?

What is Hybrid Photography? Who Is a Hybrid Shooter? (Guide)

You might be wondering, just where can I use this kind of photography? Which genre or style would work out for the best? So, I listed three of the best events where you can greatly benefit when shooting both videos and stills altogether. 

  • Wedding coverage

Weddings are very beautiful. With all the glittery, flowery, and sparkly setup, you just can’t help but want to capture the entirety of the event.

But as a photographer, you know you can only do so much with pictures. If you wanted to really let your clients have something wonderful to help relive the precious moment, then this is the best time for you to do both motion and stills. 

In some regions, couples hire professionals to provide them with what you call an SDE, or simply as the Same-Day-Edit coverage. It’s basically just a mixture of actual photos from the ceremony to the reception, plus inclusions of some highlight videos as well.

==> Related reading: SDE Wedding Meaning (Explained)

Here, it’s like creating a short film based on what transpired during the wedding and presenting it usually during mid-reception or just a little before the entire event ends. 

The good thing about this is that you are offering your clients more than just a slideshow of the many pictures you took. Instead, it allows you to share with the audience how the wedding feels from the bride and groom’s point of view, from preparation down to the reception.

  • Marketing

Hybrid photography techniques have been used by many artists in advertising for quite some time now. Those short TV commercials or ads you see on social media, are all results of these techniques. 

Many businesses have seen this as a major game changer instead of sticking to posters and old marketing campaign stuff. Because now, people can see a rather interactive and more defined presentation of the products being displayed through motion pictures.

(Speaking of: Learn how to photograph, edit, and market with Expert Photography.)

On top of that, the addition of audio or tracks make the material feel more alive and people easily remembers the products upon hearing the same audio. In short, these techniques will really help improve your client’s marketability.

  • Presentations/Lectures

Now, if you are looking for ways to keep your meetings or classes from getting really boring, then this might help you – A LOT!

These days, one of the most effective ways of getting a person’s attention is by showing him a video. Visual presentation, together with an effective audio guide, will make learning and understanding easier than reading plain text.

But of course, the content should be equally entertaining and informative for your audience to stick to the material until the end of the screenplay. 

Final Thoughts on Hybrid Photography

Switching from traditional to hybrid photography is a real challenge. If you have only focused on pure imaging until now, then leaping into this genre would require you to dedicate some time to videography as well. I’m not saying you need to be an expert in films. What I’m saying is, just cover the basics and you’re good to go. 

Another challenge you might face is looking for the right hybrid camera that gives you the best outputs for both stills and videos. This can be draining if you don’t know what exactly you are looking for. But with a little help from some buying guides, this shouldn’t be too hard to handle. 

Once you have the suitable gear for your needs, a whole new world of exciting things awaits! There’s just so much flexibility and freedom in doing motion pictures. This is the best time to put your creativity to good use. 

Now, I’d like to ask you:

  • what is your definition of being a hybrid shooter?
  • do you have any hybrid photography techniques you’d like to share?

Share your thoughts below!

3 thoughts on “Hybrid Photography: Unleash Your Inner Artist! (Guide)”

  1. Hey Kate,

    I guess I have a camera that has this capability. I just never knew how or what to use it for. Thanks to your post I have a better understanding of Hybrid Shooting. 

    I will definitely be learning more about how to use this option. i can’t imagine some of the pictures I could have gotten when my son was wrestling in high school. I did get some good pics but it seemed I always was too late or not set up for just the right moment. 

    I resorted to videoing everything on an iPad and even then it was a chore to find the right still image, edit it, and then get it where I could use it for prints. 

    Do any of these come with the capability to hook straight to a computer or do you have to transfer data from a memory card? That is what I always struggled with is how to save and file what I had. 

    Good info, thanks for sharing!


  2. Interesting. I hadn’t thought about hybrid photography much before, but did wonder if there’s a way to combine stills, videos and audio, and what gear would I need (and how I came across your site). The media is definitely eye-catching and would be fun to experiment with that! I have some upcoming photography projects for music endeavors and creating art that pops is always a priority for creative pursuits. Thanks for the tips and recommendations to help me get started. Looks very cool!

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